You can expect the recovery to be fairly significant. It takes a long time for your jaw to heal after a corrective surgery. We will set your expectations on the recovery process at your consultation.

General Anesthesia in a Hospital Setting
Expected Downtime:
2-4 weeks of recovery
Procedure Length:
1.5 hours per jaw
Appointments Needed:
Ongoing for 3 to 6 months
What is Orthognathic Surgery?
Orthognathic surgery, or jaw surgery, corrects a misalignment of the upper and lower teeth for a broad spectrum of benefits. This surgery may be recommended by your dentist, orthodontist, or medical doctor to address concerns about your jaw function or appearance.

How We Do Orthognathic Surgery
At Facial Surgery Group, we are committed to using the most current surgical techniques and technology available. We use computer-aided design, 3D X-rays, and intraoral scanning to build a patient specific portfolio to plan surgical movements. We make custom plates and screws to cater to your individual needs. Most importantly, we do not wire your jaws shut after standard orthognathic surgery!
Facial Surgery Group
What It Treats
This can correct congenital deformities, skeletal irregularities, difficulty chewing, asymmetric facial appearance, and even improve facial cosmetics. We first straighten teeth through orthodontic treatment, and then we use orthognathic surgery in Kansas City to correct the skeletal misalignment.

Dedicated To Patient Comfort
At Facial Surgery Group, we take extreme pride in the work we do. Our oral surgeons and staff are all devoted to providing the best oral health care in Kansas City. We employ pleasant, passionate people who care about our patients’ experience from the moment you schedule through completion of your treatment, and beyond.
Experience Exceptional Oral Health Care
Request an appointment at one of our locations in the Kansas City area to meet with an expert oral surgeon!

Frequently Asked Questions About Jaw Surgery
You’ll be limited to soft foods and liquid foods for a period of time after getting orthognathic surgery in Kansas City. Be sure to stock up on soups, shakes, and other foods you won’t need to chew before your surgery.